2014년 6월 9일 월요일

우리들병원 최경철 부장 SCI(E)급 논문 출판_Percutaneous endoscopic intra-annular subligamentous herniotomy for large central disc herniation: a technical case report

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*Title: Percutaneous endoscopic intra-annular subligamentous herniotomy for large central disc herniation: a technical case report
*Authors: Lee SH, Choi KC, Baek OK, Kim HJ, Yoo SH

Technical case report

To describe the novel technique of percutaneous endoscopic herniotomy using a unilateral intra-annular subligamentous approach for the treatment of large centrally herniated discs.

Open discectomy for large central disc herniations may have poor long-term prognosis due to heavy loss of intervertebral disc tissue, segmental instability, and recurrence of pain.

Subjects: 6 patients treated using percutaneous endoscopic herniotomy with a unilateral intra-annular subligamentous approach (2011.01~06)
-presented with back and leg pain, and/or weakness due to a large central disc herniation were.

The patients experienced relief of symptoms and intervertebral disc spaces were well maintained.
The annular defects were noted to be in the process of healing and recovery.


Percutaneous endoscopic unilateral intra-annular subligamentous herniotomy was an effective and affordable minimally invasive procedure for patients with large central disc herniations, allowing preservation of nonpathological intradiscal tissue through a concentric outer-layer annular approach.

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